Privacy Policy


Gallery Sentou “Promoted by Hagiyakiya LLC”  is responsible for holding personal information dealt on this online store. Bellow

Defining “Personal Information”

Personal information means any information that relates to a person who is alive. It includes name, date of birth and any description that identifies a certain individual. Also, personal information is something that identifies a person by collating it with other information related to the same person.

Gathering Personal Information

This store may ask for your personal information at the time of your purchase or your inquiry. We would ask for personal information by clearly stating a purpose and by a method that is lawful and fair.
Types of information that we gather from customers are listed below.
a)Personal name b)Address of residence c)Phone number d)E-mail address e)Password for the online store f)Delivery address g)Record of purchase and the contents of purchase h)Any information that identify an individual by matching with the information listed above.

Use of Personal Information

This store would use the personal information acquired from customers for the purpose stated below.
a)Confirmation and collation of order b)Confirmation and collation of product delivery c)Reply to inquiry
This store would not release or provide personal information to a third person without permission from customers. However, some exceptions are stated below.
a)If ordered by the law. If required for cooperation by national government, local government or others who execute orders under the law in the place of national or local government.

Safe Management of Personal Informaiton

The personal information we have acquired from customers would be safely protected by service providing company that takes logical, systematic, physical, artificial and technical measures. Also, this store would adequately manage the information according to the related law. We protect the personal data from unauthorized access, loss of personal information, manipulation and information disclosure.

Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

If you would like to correct or delete your personal information that we have received from you, please inquire through the contact stated below. Also, if you are a registered online user, you are able to correct your personal information through “My Account” menu online.

About the Use of Cookie

In order to provide better service to our customers, this company may use Cookie. The gathering of information to identify a certain individual via Cookie is not possible. The use of Cookie would not threaten your privacy of information. If you would not like to receive Cookie, you are able to change the set up on your web browser. ※Cookie is the information which is sent from a server computer to a customer’s browser so that the information would be saved on a customer’s hard drive.

Contact Information

Hagiyakiya LLC. Representative: Itagaki
TEL  :0836-41-7925

Change in Privacy Policy

If there is any change in our privacy policy, we make the change as official by correcting the web page. Such correction may include the change in gathering of personal information, the change in purpose of use and other kinds of change in privacy policy.


*We will inform Hagiyakiya’s news by E-mail.

Please register your information from here.

The information you share with Hagiyakiya allows us to provide the Japanese works and events we have.

Contributor: beastcoast